
Provides a bibliographic citation using a DDI structure that maps to Dublin Core objects. No object is required in order to support production processes. It is strongly recommended that at minimum a Title be provided. A full set of Qualified Dublin Core descriptor may be provided following the DDI Citation elements. Dublin Core elements should supplement rather than substitute for the DDI Citation elements.

Namespace: r (reusable)
Parent Maintainable: varies by usage
Type: CitationType

 Extension base: Versionable
 Title                                  (0..1)
 SubTitle                               (0..n)
 AlternateTitle                         (0..n)
 Creator                                (0..n)
 Publisher                              (0..n)
 Contributor                            (0..n)
 PublicationDate                        (0..1)
 Language                               (0..n)
 InternationalIdentifier                (0..n)
 Copyright                              (0..n)
 dc:any                                 (0..n)


  <r:Title>Twelfth Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1990, Census Reports Volume I - Population Part I</r:Title>
    <r:CreatorName affiliation="Interior Department">United States Census Office</r:CreatorName>
    <r:PublisherName>Washington: United States Census Office</r:PublisherName>